Four common limiting beliefs
Negative core beliefs are beliefs that are deeply ingrained in you that you don’t question and assume to be true.
These types of beliefs can be the most damaging because we assume them to be truth and not a belief. But a belief is just a thought you’ve thought many times, and beliefs are only true if you believe them to be.
Every single thing in your reality is a reflection of what you have chosen to believe is true for you. It started out with a thought, turned into a chronic pattern of thinking, morphed into a belief and was sent down to your subconscious mind where it cemented itself. And once a belief makes its way down into your subconscious mind, it is then executed and put into motion. Your beliefs will always confirm your reality.
Our belief system is the driving force behind our behaviours and the results we get in life. If we change our beliefs, we will change our behaviours. When we change our behaviours, we will change our results. Then, when we change our results - we will change our lives!
Four Common Beliefs, do you recognize any?
1. You have to work hard for what you want.
Working hard is a virtue in our Western society. We put struggle, exhaustion and sacrifice on a pedestal so that we can feel okay about receiving good things. This stems from most of us not really feeling worthy of good things unless we work hard for them.
This is a belief that I have had, and it originated in my childhood. I think it came from my parents who whilst not poor struggled to make ends meet. But I think it is also a big part of the message we got from teachers and the education system and probably still do!
The belief I internalised was that you won’t get what you want without hard work and struggle. But I also learned that hard work is a virtue, this was certainly reinforced at school. So, in my mind it was almost dishonest to earn money easily or without too much effort. This of course is not to say that people who ‘appear’ to earn money easily haven’t actually put in a lot of hard work to get there. It just looks like they are lucky when in fact they have a good strategy and have been working ’hard’ behind the scenes.
2. I don’t deserve to be …………………….
You can end this statement with many adjectives such as happy, rich, loved, successful, respected but they all stem from the same root.
This comes from a self-worth problem. It is likely that in your childhood someone has told you (directly or indirectly) you were not good enough or your experiences led you to that conclusion. Over the years you have had other experiences that have confirmed this belief and so it has become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Do you know you can also unknowingly create situations that help you to confirm this belief?
Let’s say for example you are like Fiona (not her real name). She told me that as a child her parents were always busy working. She was an only child; she rarely saw her parents and was cared for by a number of different carers/babysitters/childminders. When she did see her parents, they showed her no affection. As a result, she grew up with the belief that she didn’t deserve to be loved. As an adult she has never been able to find the love she desires because of this belief.
