Our expectations of what our retirement should look like has changed from previous generations. Retirement is often considered ‘the third stage of life’ and with advances in medicine, many retirees can expect to live up to 30 years in this stage.
While some people look forward to retirement and doing what they have always wanted to do, many others can’t imagine not working. Have you asked yourself any of these questions? What will I do all day when I retire? What can I do so I won’t be bored? How can I meet people? Sometimes it is not easy to get your head around the concept of retiring.
For many of us our work provides us with our meaning and purpose and is also a large part of our identity. When that no longer exists, we are left wondering who we are and why we are here.
After the initial euphoria of retirement subsides you are left with the realisation that this is how you are going to spend the next 20 or 30 years. One of the key factors to having a meaningful and fulfilled retirement is to find something that gives your life meaning and purpose. Here are some suggestions for finding that purpose.
1. Search for and find your true passion
What is something you have always wanted to do, but because of other people’s expectations or your responsibilities, you weren’t able to? Now is the time to make this happen. Perhaps it is something creative, such as painting or craft or maybe you have always wanted to write a book. Or is there something new and different that you want to study just for the sake of it? You might want to take a course or even go to University. This stage of your life is a great time to explore new options and expand your horizons. Retirement is a great time to try something different and perhaps take some risks.
